First thought:
I'm driving down 35 up around Meacham BLVD, and as i'm driving, i notice i'm speeding, and that cop car is ahead of me (well 2 cars) so i slow down and proceed to drive the speed limit, i notice the cop car switch lanes which woud put it next to me soon, and as i'm driving all paranoid for speeding, i notice it's an old cop car...a used cop car, with not decals on the side of the car, but just an old cop car, and as i'm all paranoid, i see a girl maybe 19 texting on her phone, driving this boat. I'm thinking "you stupid b**ch!!!!" i'm freaking out and you're on your phone lolly gallying around on your cell phone driving an impounded police one else see anything wrong with that? i wonder how many people she's fooled driving that automobile. lol.
second thought: while i was driving, i was playing this extremely rad tune from the band Gayngs called "Crystal Rope" and as i was driving, drifting off into my own world.. i thought, this is a really cool tune to blast...and when i drive by people at a slower pace or stop at a red light and people look over, they are going to hear this song and be like "that guy is playing a really cool song..." i for one second, thought to myself, "i'm that cool guy, that when you get into his car, he's playing this song that just sticks with you, and you're like "man, this is a rad song, he's got great taste in music" so i was elated with myself and proceeded down the highway doing my best Wooderson (only some will get that reference) impersonation, thinking wow, this song really makes me cool... but on the contrary, it makes me pathetic that i was even in that state of mind, sad really! i realize that now. haha.
third thought:
driving down the see like old chevy caprices or grand marquis....raised with giant tires (sort of like this here)
Not done ranting, but i am for this very moment.
stay tuned....
I had something similar to your #2 thought happen once. A friend and I valet parked a car at H3 in the Stockyards so we could get day drunk on a Saturday. When we got our car back, the valet says "I hope you guys don't mind but I stayed in your car for a while after I parked it because I was listening to the cd you guys were listening to. Most people listen to crap, but you guys have really good taste in music." We were part of a group of people that made "mix cd's" for each other every month. We gave him the disc as a tip. HA!